i know i know, there is a statute of limitations on how long you can reference the new year once you reach the middle of january...but here we are. and i want you to know that...looking back on 2012...i feel nothing but happiness. i mean, what a year! i spent this year really taking the time i needed to bond with my little girl and to figure out this new, insane and just really lovely new life. i closed a chapter at the end of this past year. the chapter where i learned what it feels like to be a mother and in the process became more comfortable with who i am than i have ever felt in my life. and this next chapter, i feel, i hope, will be the one where life just makes total sense.
throughout my journey into motherhood, i realized very quickly there were several things that would have to sit by the wayside while i figured it all out and unfortunately this blog was the first to go...but i love this little online journal. i love being able to chronicle our lives and take a little snapshot of how i am feeling, or what we are up to in the moment. for myself. so one of my many goals this year is to really make an effort to capture more memories and keep them here...in this space where our friends and family can see what we are up to but more importantly, where we can look back and remember.
cheers to a new year, a new life, the next chapter...xx.